COVENTRY - Healing Breakthroughs
Jeanette shows what is possible with healing. Pain and restriction are often removed within minutes.
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Service Description
At Jeanette's LIVE events Jeanette demonstrates what it is to hold your awareness between the physical dimension and the spiritual. Jeanette's close connection with her team of spirit world and interdimensional guides enable profound healing & inspiring messages & teachings to be conveyed. It is an evening that impacts the whole audience, not just those receiving healing on stage. It is important to remember that Spiritual healing has been around for hundreds of years, long before the development of what we now call “conventional medicine”. Spiritual healing works on an energetic level, helping people feel lighter, clearer, happier & very often that shift causes an improvement with a physical condition as you will see at the LIVE event. Jeanette has been working with Spirit for over 30 years and starred in the SKY REAL LIVES series Spirit Medium;Jeanette Wilson. To find out more about Jeanette's extraordinary journey to doing the work she now does read her first book MEDIUM RARE that is available also as an audio file through this website. At the LIVE event audience members are invited to ‘volunteer’ to receive healing. No arrangements to receive healing at the event are entered into before the event – so please do not contact us to request preferential treatment, this would be unfair to others attending. On the night you simply raise your hand when Jeanette asks who needs healing. If Jeanette is available for private healing sessions in your area Jeanette will announce this on show night, to ensure those attending the show get first opportunity to book. Jeanette is very clear that she is an instrument for the healing and not the source of the healing. All healing comes from God/Source. It is not faith healing. All that is required is a sincere desire to get well and an open mind about what is possible. All events are filmed and by attending this event you agree to being filmed for television and social media. Healing Breakthroughs is an inspiring and thought provoking event that opens both hearts and mind to what is possible with healing.
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